Ni Train Malaysia :
Jepun ni terdiri daripada 4 pulau utama. Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu & Shikoku. Setiap pulau2 ni di hubungkan dgn keretapi. Mantap kn. Bagi org yg xberkenderaan or bg pelancong train merupakan alat pengangkutan yg paling memudahkan.Sbb almost satu kat ane kte nak g, mesti ada connected dgn train.

Mmmm…berkenaan dgn trrain jepun ni plak, 70% adalah milik Japan Railways @ aka JR. Klu korang jalan kat jepun, ag2 area Tokyo ni, mmg byk la korang akan Nampak train JR ni berbanding syarikat len. Balance 30% ag, di miliki oleh byk ag syarikat private yg lain. Selalunye kawasan2 metropolitan la.
Sekarang kte mengenali pasal Japan Railways (JR) plak. JR ni sebenarnye berasal dari Japanese National Railways (JNR), tp dah jd JR sbb syarikat ni dah di private kan pada 1987 sbb byk sgt hutang & mismanagement.
JR Group ni ada 6 anak syarikat all over jepun ni. JR Hokkaido, JR East, JR Central, JR West, JR Shikoku, and JR Kyushu. Kire dibahagikan mengikut bahagian masing2 kat jepun ni la. Syarikat2 ni bergabung dgn other syarikat selain JR utk manage train system kat jepun ni. Bagi syarikat private selain Jr plak, yg paling kecik ada satu line je.Line ni kire mcm track die kot, contohnye mcm dari nilai ke klang. Kire syarikat plg kecik ada satu line
tu je. Die xde line len mcm nak g klcc ke, nak g ipoh ke. Lbey kurang mcm tu la.paham ke? Bg yg lain plak[selain yg syarikat kecik tu td] boleh tahan la byk line die.Antaranye:
Yg Bold tu [nama kawasan], yg bergaris [nama syarikat train]
Tobu (approx. 460 km)
Tobu operates an extensive network of railway lines into the suburbs and prefectures north of Tokyo. Interest for Tourists: Access to Nikko.
Odakyu (approx. 120 km)
Odakyu operates three lines from central Tokyo to western Tokyo and Kanagawa Prefecture. Interest for tourists: Access to Hakone.
Tokyu (approx. 100 km)
Tokyu operates a network of two main lines and several shorter lines in the south of Tokyo. Interest for tourists: Access to Yokohama.
Keisei (approx. 100 km)
Keisei operates a main line and several branch lines from Tokyo to Chiba Prefecture. Interest for tourists: Access to Narita Airport.
Seibu (approx. 180 km)
Seibu operates a network of suburban railway lines west of central Tokyo.
Keikyu (approx. 90 km)
Keikyu connects Tokyo with Yokohama and southern Kanagawa Prefecture. Interest for tourists: Access to Haneda Airport.
Keio (approx. 80 km)
Keio operates a network of railway lines west of central Tokyo. Interest for tourists: Access to Takaosan.
Meitetsu (approx. 500 km)
Meitetsu operates an extensive railway network around Nagoya. Interest for tourists: Access to Inuyama and Central Japan Airport.
Kintetsu (approx. 570 km)
The largest private railway company. Kintetsu operates an extensive railway network in the southern Kinki region, serving Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, Ise and Nagoya.
Nankai (approx. 170 km)
Nankai operates a network of railway lines in southern Osaka and Wakayama Prefecture. Interest for tourists: Access to Kansai Airport and Koyasan.
Hankyu (approx. 150 km)
Hankyu operates several lines in northern Osaka and connects Osaka with Kobe and Kyoto.
Keihan (approx. 90 km)
Keihan operates one main line, connecting Osaka with Kyoto and several shorter lines.
Hanshin (approx. 50 km)
Hanshin operates one main line between Osaka and Kobe, and a few short branch lines.
Nishitetsu (approx. 120 km)
Nishitetsu operates a network of railway lines in Fukuoka Prefecture around the city of Fukuoka. Interest for tourists: Access to Dazaifu.
hahaha ...byk gler kan . naik pening aku. Klu korang g train stesyen yg dkt tgh2 bandar. Contohnye ueno or shinjuku. Mmg klu 1st leh gler jgk la nak cari train. huhu ... korang byg la kre lebih 10 jenis train kat 1 stesyen. byk gler landasan die, kte nak pilih jenis tren ag, landasan yg ane ag, menghala ke mana ag.huhu ...pening2....
Train2 di atas tu kre train yg biasa or xslalu digunakan utk travel jauh. Contohnye dari hujung jepun ke hujung satu lagi. Klu naik jenis train mcm kat atas ni, jawabnye satu hari suntuk la ko melangok dalam train. Biasa nye klu train, gne Bullet Train @ aka shikansen. Shikansen ni pn byk jenis jgk tau. Bergantung ke mana korang nak g. Harga mmg sakit jiwa jgk la, tp klu nak kejar masa. Selain naik kapal terbang. Shikansen la pilihan terbaik.
Shikansen ni pun under JR Group.Kre JR la yg manage shikansen ni. Ni serba ckit pasal shinkansen , aku amek dari wikioedia je, hehe ...bacala ... =)
The Shinkansen is a network of high-speed railway lines in Japan operated by four Japan Railways Group companies. Starting with the 210 km/h Tōkaidō Shinkansen in 1964, the now 2,459 km long network has expanded to link most major cities on the islands of Honshū and Kyūshū at speeds up to 300 km/h . Test runs have reached 443 km/h for conventional rail in 1996, and up to a world-record 581 km/h (361 mph) for maglev trainsets in 2003.
Shinkansen literally means "New Trunk Line", referring to the tracks, but the name is widely used inside and outside Japan to refer to the trains as well as the system as a whole. The name "Superexpress" , initially used for Hikari trains, was retired in 1972 but is still used in English-language announcements and signage.
The Tōkaidō Shinkansen is the world's busiest high-speed rail line. Carrying 151 million passengers a year , it has transported more passengers (4.5 billion) than all other high speed lines in the world combined.[citation needed] Between Tokyo and Shin Osaka, the two largest metropolises in Japan, ten trains per hour with long 16- cars each (1,300 seats capacity) run in each direction with minimum 3 minutes frequency. Though largely a long-distance transport system, the Shinkansen also serves commuters who travel to work in metropolitan areas from outlying cities.
Ni pasal kelajuan shinkansen ni plak:
JR East has announced that the E5 Series of trains, capable of up to 320 km/h , is to be introduced coinciding with the opening of the Tōhoku Shinkansen extension from Hachinohe to Shin-Aomori in early 2011. Extensive trials using the Fastech 360 test trains has shown that operation at 360 km/h is not currently feasible due to problems of noise pollution, overhead wire wear, and braking distances. This may indicate the limits to railed Shinkansen technology, and eventually maglev or another technology will need to replace it. Operation at speeds of up to 320 km/h between Utsunomiya and Shin-Aomori is expected to allow journey times of around 3 hours for trains from Tokyo to Shin-Aomori (a distance of approximately 675 km ).
Sekian daripada aku utk part 1.Harap anda terhibur & dapat la tau pasal train jepun ni serba serbi kn =) Salam.
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